The employment pass application (Based on a points system)

Starting from September 2023, the Employment Pass (EP) application review criteria will incorporate a points system. In addition to meeting the salary requirements, EP applicants will also need to achieve a minimum of 40 points in the newly introduced Complementary Workforce Skills and Specialization (COMPASS) assessment framework. This framework is primarily designed to assess whether the capabilities of EP applicants align with the demands of the Singapore labor market. In this edition, New Ark will guide our readers through the EP application requirements.

1. Salary Requirements

Starting from September 1, 2023, the minimum salary requirements for new Employment Pass (EP) applications and renewals will gradually increase with age
All industries, excluding financial services
5,000 SGD
Financial services
5,500 SGD

2. Achieving a score of 40 points in the COMPASS points system

Individual Qualifications
Corporate Qualifications
Basic Criteria
C1: Salary
Compared to peers of the same age locally, with a fixed monthly salary
≥ 90% (20 points)
65% to 90% (10 points)
< 65% (0 points)

C2: Education Qualification
Based on the applicant's educational qualifications
Graduated from a top-tier educational institution 
(20 points)
Equivalent to a university degree 
(10 points)
No university degree 
(0 points)
C3: Employee Diversity Level**
The proportion of applicant's nationality in the company's white-collar workforce
< 5% (20 points)
5% to 25% (10 points)
≥ 25% (0 points)

C4: Support for Local Hiring**
The proportion of local white-collar employees in the company within its sub-industry
≥ 50% (20 points)
20% to 50% (10 points)
< 20% (0 points)

Incentive Criteria
C5: Skill Bonus Points
Jobs on the Ministry of Manpower's recognized shortage occupation list*
(20 points)

C6: Economic Priority Strategy Bonus Points
The company meets specific assessment criteria for innovation or internationalization activities
(10 points)

* If the applicant's nationality constitutes more than one-third of the company's white-collar workforce, the skill bonus points are reduced to 10.
** For small businesses with fewer than 25 white-collar employees, automatic 10 points are granted for C3 and C4. The number of white-collar employees is estimated with a minimum monthly salary of at least SGD 3,000.

COMPASS implementation date

• New applications from September 1, 2023.
• Renewal applications for passes from September 1, 2024.

Which EP applicants are exempt from COMPASS?

• Monthly salary of at least SGD 22,500, or
• Internal staff movements within a company based on the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) of the World Trade Organization or applicable Free Trade Agreements that Singapore is a party to, or
• Short-term positions of less than one month.

New Ark can assist with your EP application. Our team will work closely with you to ensure your documents are complete and accurate, and we will navigate the process according to the latest regulations and requirements.

New Ark Consulting provides a one-stop customized service, including company registration, accounting and taxation, overseas relocation, and comprehensive consulting services. Feel free to contact our professional team anytime via WhatsApp at +65 8830 8077 or on WeChat at NewArkSg for more information.


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